Xavier College

Xavier College

Xavier College


Xavier College is a Catholic co-educational from Year seven to 12 and is located north of the metropolitan area of Adelaide, just outside the regional town of Gawler.

Xavier is an inclusive Community where all members are encouraged to be transformed by their experiences into fuller, richer, deeper human beings.

The College aims to inspire their students to achieve their personal best and to accept responsibility to make a difference in the world.

Educating proudly in the Salesian tradition, Xavier strives to be a place where young people experience belonging, where they feel accepted and where they can reflect, celebrate and learn about the world and themselves in an environment of nurture and care.

A quality and innovative curriculum which caters to the needs of their students who choose academic or vocational pathways, and exceptional facilities including double court gymnasium, students services hub, trade training centre and agricultural precinct makes Xavier a College that endeavors to prepare students for life.

Contact Details

Xavier College, 1 Kentish Rd, Gawler Belt SA 5118, Australia

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